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Showing posts with label Emails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emails. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Surf and Emails

 Hello everyone. It is Hump Day for those in the  job industry. Now, if you are looking for income outside of the job and you are open-minded, now is your chance. Affiliate marketing is the way to go. I am going to show you some recent platforms I found out for generating leads and gaining commission. These are email and surf platforms. You can surf, share and earn commissions from these platforms. Feel free to sign up for on them for free. If you need more options, please check out my other posts here and on my parent site 

Referral Frenzy  
 Dragon Surf

Viral Mail Profits  

Warrior Princess Traffic  
 These are the invites I have for you today. I assure you that these are the platforms I recently signed up to. You and I are new to these, so, I wish you and I all the best.

I will be sharing platforms like these each week so check me out on Wednesdays here for new invites from 7am-3pm. For more detailed reviews and invites, check out my other site on Sundays 7am-3pm 

Have a great day!

To your success!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Email Marketing

 Hello everyone and Happy Hump Day!

Today, I'm sharing one of the effective and personalized way to deliver audience to your websites. Will be sharing an email plus TE site. It's called Boxes of Traffic for you to sign up on. Again, if you already use this, please share this post to everyone you think will need this to help in their marketing needs.

Below is a detailed breakdown on Boxes of Traffic

Hi , it's AINSFORD here, and I just

wanted to send you a quick note to see if you have

heard the news about BoxesOfTraffic.

It's a Viral List Builder that just Launched with cool 

new graphics and all the features we've come to love and 

it's free to join!!

Take a look here:

BoxesOfTraffic - Delivering Boxes of Quality Leads for 

Your Advertising Needs!!

By joining this program, you'll immediately enjoy

The Best In Viral List Builder Marketing!

This new Viral List Builder not only provides you with

all the advertising options your site needs, they also

packed it with tons of features.

Now here's where it gets real good...

* Mail the list Every few days or every 23 Hours!

* 5-7 Second Timer

* Monthly Bonus Credits

* Power-Ups

* Earn Credits per click.

* Banner and Text Advertising

* Spot light ads

* Solo Mailings

* Reset Mailer

* Weekly Jackpots

* Downline Builder(s)

* Residual Income

* Residual Credits

* Downline Mailer

* Viral Traffic Games

* Commissions, Commissions, Commissions

* Plus more, more.. and MORE!

And did I mention it's feature rich... 

Website Traffic, Banner and Text Advertsing, Viral Traffic Games, 

Jackpots, Dynamic Surf Rates, Icon Collecting, Email Click Rewards... The works.

You must act now...


Go ahead and join right now, because it's filling up fast

and that means there's thousands of marketers waiting to 

view your websites.

Packed with features and amazing tools, BoxesOfTraffic is a

fantastic advertising network built by surfers for surfers.


Good luck and welcome aboard in advance.

Oh! And one more thing... It's owned by Doug Ravish who

has Marketing Experience. Doug will do everything he can to make sure Boxes Of Traffic Mailer 

reaches your highest expectations.

With my best wishes,


Saturday, November 4, 2023

Emails offers for you

Hello and Happy Saturday to each and everyone one of you. It's been awhile since I posted here but I have been posting each weekend to my offer page on Facebook. Hope you had a chance to check them out.

Today it's all about sending your emails to your prospects and downlnes. I am going to send you email platforms to use to promote your sites to your downlines and prospect. Check our my banners below, click on... then sign up for free.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
American author

          Email Marketing Evolved!


These are all for today. Sign up on all if necessary. Have fun and good luck.

Happy earnings!

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Check your inbox

 Happy Thursday everyone.

Today I'm sending you some platforms where you can create your email lists and promote your business to everyone. 

    List Surfing - Social Advertising Network

Email Marketing Evolved! 

Check these out. Signing up is quick and easy. And it's free.

Good luck.

Residual Income invitation

 Happy Wednesday everyone. I hope your day is going well so far and that you got the chance to read my last post on Monday at my parent site...